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LeadXcel Co.
We’re in the business of getting our client's results. We simply leverage the power of AI to do that. Our mission is to pull in multiple $1000s in extra sales for our clients without asking them to do any extra work. We use our AI services to streamline sales processes, increase productivity and turn time-sucking tasks into profit centers.
Business owners are sitting on a small fortune in old, unconverted leads. Problem is, they haven’t had the tools or the man-power to bring that cash to the surface. So instead, they live and die by the new leads that arrive in their business.
For most, striking that balance between lead quality and ROI feels like a painful see-saw. At any moment, a small change on one side sends the other side rocketing into the floor. Relying on this ‘one and done’ approach to sales has sent companies into financial ruin because the only way they can bring in more cash from sales, is to keep spending more and more on new leads. Yet another see-saw.
Now there’s a better way. Our Database Reactivation bot grinds away in the background for businesses.
It strikes up a conversation with old leads, preps them for a sale and hands them over to a human to close. Business owners are pulling in $1000s in extra sales each week, from these buried assets.
The best part is there’s no costly ad spend or lead bills to pay to get any of these extra sales. The AI bot is pulling cash from leads that have already been paid for and given up on. Meaning business owners can finally get off the ‘Sales See-Saw’ and get the ROI they’ve longed for.
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